letter A

What to do where?
Abbreviations, buildings, address:
AR = old town hall, Marktplatz (market place); NR = new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17
NRN = new town hall (adjacent building Kartäuserstraße), Große Rurstraße 17
KH = Kulturhaus (culture hall), Kleine Rurstraße 20

- A -      
Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Acknowledgement of paternity Register office NR 63-223
Addresses of culturally active associations Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich   97 95-20
Adoptions District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Adult education centre Jülich Adult education centre NR 63-219, -220 or -231
Advice on disposal, disposal calendar Construction administration office NRN 63-253
Allocation of house numbers Register office (registration office)   63-302
Allowances for associations School administration and sports office NRN 63-247
Allowances for rain water usage installations Construction administration office NRN 63-264
Ambulance service and emergency services Regulatory authority NR 63-396, -397 or -503
Animal shelter Tierschutzverein für den Kreis Düren e.V., Am Tierheim 2, 52355 Düren-Niederau   02421/505467
Application for a job with the city of Jülich Central office and office for personnel NR 63-380
Application for issuance of a family register Register office NR 63-222
Apprenticeship with the city of Jülich Central office and office for personnel NR 63-380
Approval for the partition of properties Building regulatory authority NRN 63-271, -283
Arbitration matters Arbitrator   02461/50240
Archive Kulturhaus am Hexenturm KH 936320
Assistance for blind as well as people unable to work and retired persons according to SGB XII Social services department NR  
¦ Letters A -Kra Social services department NR 63-213
¦ Letters Krb-Z Social services department NR 63-299
Associations (associations active in the cultural area) Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich   9795-20
Asylum seekers/ refugees Social services department NR 63-217
Attachment of posters Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-336
Audit department Audit department NR 63-262
Authentication of birth, marriage and death cases Register office NR 63-223
Authentication of signatures Register office (registration office) NR 63-301
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