letters S - T
What to do where?
Abbreviations, buildings, address:
AR = old town hall, Marktplatz (market place); NR = new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17
NRN = new town hall (adjacent building Kartäuserstraße), Große Rurstraße 17
KH = Kulturhaus (culture hall), Kleine Rurstraße 20
S | ||||
Matters | Office, institution, facility | Address | Telephone | |
Sale of local literature | Museum | KH | 93768-0 | |
School administration and sports office | School administration and sports office | NRN | 63-246 | |
School of music for children and adolescents | School of music | Schirmerstraße/Schützenstraße | 93650 | |
School registration | School administration and sports office | NRN | 63-245 | |
Secession from the church | District court of Jülich, Wilhelmstraße 15 | 681-0 | ||
Securing of livelihood | District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16 | 02421/22-0 | ||
Securing of livelihood (receipt of applications) | Social services department of the city of Jülich and district administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16, Düren | Jülich 63-221 Düren 02421/22-0 |
Seniors' board | Office for family, generations and integration | NRN | 63-236 | |
Service connection charges | Construction administration office | NRN | 63-344 | |
Social act II (SGB II), central receipt of applications for new cases | Social services department | AR | 63-212. -414 | |
Social housing | District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16 | 02421/22-0 | ||
Social planning (planning of the assistance for the elderly, handicapped and adolescents and planning for persons with particular social problems) | Office for family, generations and integration | NRN | 63-236 | |
Social residence permits | Social services department | AR | 63-241 | |
Social services department | Social services department | AR | 63-208 | |
Social-psychiatric service | Public health department, administrative office Jülich, Kartäuserstr. 2 | NRN | 9736-0 | |
Special events | Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich | 9795-20 | ||
Special use of roads (approvals) | Regulatory authority | NR | 63-355, -364 | |
Sports matters | School administration and sports office | NRN | 64-244 | |
Stadtwerke Jülich (electricity, natural gas and water supply, district heat, swimming hall) | An der Vogelstange 2a, 52428 Jülich | 625-0 | ||
Structural maintenance of city buildings | Real estate management, technical department | NRN | 63-312 | |
Submission deadlines for tenders for civil construction | Construction administration office | NRN | 63-263 | |
Subsidence damages | Planning office | NRN | 63-259 | |
Suggestions, complaints, ideas | Mayor's office | NR | 63-111 | |
Swimming hall | Stadtwerke Jülich, An der Vogelstange 2a | 625-0 |
T | |||
Matters | Office, institution, facility | Address | Telephone |
Taxes | Treasury and tax office | NR | 63-392 |
Theatre events | Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich | 9795-20 | |
Third party liability claims against the city | Office for council and legal matters | NR | 63-317, -348 |
Tourism advertising | Citymarketing | NRN | 64-419 |
Town twinning | Mayor's office | NR | 63-417 |
Trade (approvals, trade central register information) | Regulatory authority | NR | 63-308 |
Trade tax | Treasury and tax office | NR | 63-385 |
Traffic infringements | Regulatory authority | NR | 63-319 |
Traffic planning | Civil engineering department | NRN | 63-274 |
Transport of pupils | School administration and sports office | NRN | 63-247 |
Treasury | Treasury | NR | 63-327 |
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