Social residence permit

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports social housing with public funds. Only those persons who have a corresponding social residence permit (WBS) may move into a flat supported by public funds (council flat) (application form). The social residence permit is issued by the city of Jülich.
The living area of council flats is limited and may not exceed the indicated size. Exceptions may however be applied for to the city of Jülich by the holder of the right of disposal (lessor).
For obtaining a social residence permit, the applicant together with the other persons belonging to the same household may not exceed the income limit according to § 13 of the law on the support and use of living space for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (WFNG NRW) by more than 5%. For this, the income of all corresponding persons with own income of the past 12 month is examined. In case of increases or decreases of income are expected for the following 12 month, these are taken into consideration. In addition to advertising expenses, social contributions and tax payments, additional tax exemptions are deducted from the annual gross income. The tax exemptions among others result from the fact that someone is a single parent, newly wed, severely handicapped or legally obliged to pay alimony. In individual cases, additional evidence might be required for certain individual circumstances to be considered (declaration of income form).

The income limit depends on the number of persons belonging to the household.
Size of the household Euro per year
1 person 18.010,00
2 persons 21.710,00
additionally for every second person belonging to the household
If children in the sense of § 32 section 1 to 5 of the Income Tax Act belong to the household, the income limit is increased by € 640.00 respectively for each child.


Earnings documents of the past 12 months prior to the filing of the application of all persons belonging to the household:

  • 12 earnings sheets or declarations of income for social housing (form) completed by the employer
  • Notices of granting or changing of the employment agency
  • Notice regarding the granting of the maternity/child-raising allowance/parents money
  • Current pension awards (incl. company pension)
  • Training contractEvidence for alimony payments
  • Evidence regarding income from capital assets (without savers' tax allowance), letting and leasing, agriculture and silviculture

For freelancers, the latest tax assessment and certificate of the tax advisor regarding the income (profit) from the past and current year have to be submitted.

If you are in an employment relation but are on parental leave, we need a certificate from the employer stating the duration of the parental leave that has been applied for.


Registration certificate of the home municipality

  • For persons who are not registered in Jülich
  • For foreign citizens: certificate for the current residence status
  • For students/pupils as of 16 years: certificate of matriculation/school certificate, training assistance (BaföG) notification, earnings documents, if necessary certificate of the parents regarding alimony payments.
  • For welfare recipients: certificate of the social services department stating since when the social benefits have been paid and the latest social benefits notice or only the last 3 social benefits notices.

If available/correct:

  • Certificates regarding the amount of childcare costs
  • Pregnancy record (due date within the following 6 months)
  • Marriage certificate (none of the marital partners older than 40 years and not married longer than 5 years)
  • Pass for severely handicapped persons (and if necessary a certificate regarding care dependency)
  • Certificate regarding future alimony payments in case of separated persons by joint declaration regarding an alimony agreement or calculation of a lawyer
  • Certificate regarding custody for minors living in the household if the parents are separated or divorced.

The fee for a social residence permit amounts to € 8.00.

Since social residence permits are only issued to individuals, families and civil partnerships, there is a possibility for flat-sharing communities to be released from the requirement of a social residence permit. With this, even these persons get the possibility to move into a publicly funded flat (council flat). The same requirements as for the application of a social residence permit do apply. The persons who want to move into a council flat are obliged to comply with the appropriate flat size and decisive income limits. If the chargeable overall income of a person looking for a flat exceeds the decisive income limit by more than 5%, a release may be granted on condition that a monthly compensation payment is made.

The release must be applied for by the lessor.

The fee for the release amounts to € 26.00.

Contact: Mrs. Wohlfahrt, new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17, room 38, phone: +49 – (0)2461 63-241.

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