Register office of Jülich
The certification of the marital status is the task of the registrar!
The Law on Marital Status briefly outlines the manifold tasks of the register office. For the citizens, this becomes clear within the frame of standard certifications of births, marriages and deaths.
However, some other, mostly less known tasks such as e.g. declarations regarding names, subsequent certifications of foreign vital events or the establishment of civil partnerships according to the Civil Partnership Act.
Regardless of the case, the register office of Jülich regards itself as a modern service provider – not only in the area of certifications – and is at your disposal whenever you need professional advice from a registrar.
For marriages, the bridal couple may chose between three wedding chambers.
At your request, our registrars will gladly take a digital photo of you after the marriage which will then be published in our gallery of bridal couples. This service is free of charge for you.
Whatever happens in life – from birth over marriage through to death – your register office of Jülich will be there for you – a whole life long!
Your contact persons in the register office of Jülich in the new town hall near the Schwanenteich: (opening hours of the register office)
Anja Laurenz
phone: +49 – 2461 63-224
Room 104
Vanessa Weiland
phone: +49 – 2461 63-223
Room 101
Kerstin Schmidt
phone: +49 - 2461 63-222
Room 103
Daniela Esser
phone: +49 – 2461 63-383
Room 101