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Offer of Classes

The classes offered by the school of music comprises

  • The elementary area
  • Instrumental training
  • Working in ensembles
  • Projects

For all areas, you will find more detailed information below.


The elementary area is aimed at the youngest ones among us. Children in the kindergarden, preschool and elementary school ages get to know the world of music in a playful and children-oriented manner.

  • Musikzwerge (the youngest ones)
  • Musical early education
  • Orff ensemble for beginners and/or advanced students
  • Children's choir


The school of music currently offers instrumental training in the following subjects:

  • Violin, viola, cello
  • Recorder, cross flute, clarinet
  • Trumpet, oboe, saxophone
  • Piano, keyboard
  • Guitar (electric, folk and classic guitar), electric bass
  • Drums

If the demand is high, the school of music will try to extend its offer.
Adults may also take part in instrumental training – whether they want to refresh the skills gathered at an earlier point in time or whether they want to learn to play an instrument. In any case, interested persons should gather advice. The secretary's office will gladly also arrange counselling meetings and test classes with the teachers.

Forms of classes: Group classes (2-4 participants), 45 minutes/week;
individual classes, 30 or 45 minutes/week

Beginning: Usually after the summer holidays; at other times whenever there are vacations (more information: information and service)

Duration: long-term.
Termination of the classes usually as per the end of the school term and/or upon expiration of the probationary period (more information: regulations for the school of music)

Rental instruments:are available in limited numbers for beginners' classes.

Costs: detailed information on the school fees and possible discounts can be found in the regulations for the school of music.


What makes the instrumental training at the school of music so interesting? Well, in contrast to private classes, the school of music offers the opportunity to make music together.

Therefore, the school of music regards the work in ensembles as an important task. Whether the students are beginners or advanced students – this is mainly about preparing and presenting a repertory with the children, adolescents and adults which corresponds to their possibilities.

In addition to the existing music circles and groups, smaller and larger ensembles are continuously put together who then go on stage in preludes, concerts, for exhibition openings and on special occasions.

Fixed groups are:

  • Recorder circles
  • Chamber ensembles
  • Children's choir
  • Rock, pop and folk workshop
  • Big Band
  • Adults' choir
  • Folklore/dancing

In addition to this, ensembles are composed for different projects in the classic area.

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