letters L - N

What to do where?
Abbreviations, buildings, address:
AR = old town hall, Marktplatz (market place); NR = new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17
NRN = new town hall (adjacent building Kartäuserstraße), Große Rurstraße 17
KH = Kulturhaus (culture hall), Kleine Rurstraße 20

Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Land development plan Planning office NRN 63-261
Land registry District court of Jülich, Wilhelmstraße 15   681-0
Land registry information District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Land tax Treasury and tax office NR    
¦ City centre streets A-D and parts of the city Altenburg, Daubenrath, Lich-Steinstraß and Selgersdorf Treasury and tax office NR 63-390
¦ City centre streets E-Z Treasury and tax office NR 63-415
¦ Parts of the city Barmen, Bourheim, Broich, Kirchberg, Koslar and Merzenhausen Treasury and tax office NR 63-389
¦ Parts of the city Güsten, Mersch, Pattern, Stetternich and Welldorf Treasury and tax office NR 63-391
Leak testing of private waste water lines Civil engineering department NRN 63-275
Leasing Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-335
Leasing of pedagogic centres, castle chapel, the civic centre Broich and Merzenhausen, Hexenturm School administration and sports office NRN 63-245
Leasing of the civic centre Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-335
Lecture hours for children City library, Kulturhaus am Hexenturm KH 9363-63, -64
Legal aid District court of Jülich, Wilhelmstraße 15   681-0
Library City library Kleine Rurstra0e 20 9363-63, -64
Local history literature Museum KH 93768-0
Lost and found Regulatory authority NR 63-309


Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Maintenance of playgrounds Bauhof of the city of Jülich, Steffensrott 2, 52428 Jülich-Koslar   93640
Marital status matters Register office NR 63-222
Market aspects (kermesses, weekly market) Regulatory authority NR 63-300. -355
Marriage (registration, certificate etc.) Register office NR 63-222, -223
Marriage anniversaries Office for council and legal matters NR 63-374
Monumental care, protection Building regulatory authority NRN 63-254, -285
Mothers' centre Office for family, generations and integration NRN 62-236
Museum of the history of the city (museum Zitadelle) Museum KH 93768-0
Music classes School of music Schirmerstraße/Schützenstraße 93650


Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Natural gas supply Stadtwerke Jülich, An der Vogelstange 2a   625-0
Natural protection Civil engineering department NRN 63-256
Naturalisations (counselling, filing of applications) Regulatory authority NR   63-318
New construction of municipal buildings Real estate management, technical department NRN 63-312
New construction of roads Civil engineering department NRN 63-240
Night rest, disturbances Regulatory authority NR 63-364
Noise pollution Regulatory authority NR 63-355, -364
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