Welcome to Jülich Education, society, social aspects

Foreign students and university applicants

Study stay
Welcome to Jülich!
You have decided to study in Jülich. We are happy about your interest and the trust you have in our city. The following information are supposed to provide you with the formalities for the entry and stay which are relevant for you and they shall help to avoid unnecessary complications and superfluent time delays.


A precondition for your entry in the Federal Republic of Germany is that you obtain the visa that is required for the respective purpose of stay in due time in advance.
Please submit the corresponding application to the German diplomatic mission (embassy, consulate etc.) competent for your home town. There, you will also get information about the documents to be submitted with your visa application.
If you have received your visa, you are entitled to enter into the federal territory for the purpose you applied for.
Citizens of the member states of the European Union as well as of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America do not need any visa for entry.


Granting of the residence permit
After your arrival in Germany, you have to register at your new place of residence as the main place of residence and notify your stay to the foreigners' registration office there.
Contact: registration office in the new town hall, Große Rurstr. 17 in Jülich
E-mail: Einwohnermeldeamt@juelich.de, telephone: +49 (0)2461) 63 301, -302, -303 or -304.

If your residence is located within the district of Düren, you have to apply for a residence permit containing certain limitations and/or specifications from the foreigners' registration office of the district of Düren (www.kreis-dueren.de) within the period of validity of your visa. In this, the period of validity of the residence permit depends on the concrete purpose of your stay and is determined so that it comprises all phases of the training, including practical activities and language classes.
Please submit the following documents as a student of study applicant when applying for your residence permit:

Completely filled in application form

  • Only a biometric passport photo
  • Your valid national passport
  • Certificate for your purpose of stay (e.g. certificate of matriculation)
  • Certificate for the assurance of your livelihood (e.g. certificate of a scholarship, payment of a bail to a blocked account in Germany, deposit of a bank guarantee which must be renewed every year with a bank in Germany. The certificate for the assurance of livelihood may also be rendered in the form of a declaration of commitment according to § 68 Residence Act).
  • Certificate of sufficient health insurance protection
    (e.g. membership card of the legal health insurance or insurance policy of a private health insurance)
  • Confirmation of the renting of living space (rental agreement or confirmation of the lessor)


Language class
Admission requirement for starting studies for foreign study applicants is a successful language examination (see note of admission).
A residence permit for participation in a preparatory language class requires that the language class is so-called intensive language class with regular classes of at least 18 weekly hours (corresponding to 24 hours with 45 minutes each) which aims at the acquisition of comprehensive knowledge of the German language. Such a class for the preparation of a German certificate or the German language examination for access to a university (DSH) is for example offered at the Aachen University of Applied Sciences. Here, the admission requirement for students in the course of studies oriented towards other countries is a certificate of German with 75%. The DSH must have taken place until the beginning of the 3rd semester.


Occupation alongside the studies
Foreign students may principally only exert a temporary occupation which does not exceed 90 working days per year alongside their studies. An occupation over a longer period of time may only be accepted as a part-time occupation if the purpose of stay limited to the studies is not changed by this and the achievement thereof is not essentially impeded or delayed. Such an occupation is therefore only possible in special exceptional cases, for example in case of a student part-time work at the university of applied sciences or at a scientific facility. The labour-law related regulations remain unaffected thereof.


For further information:

Department of International Affairs Campus Jülich

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