Waste disposal and fees - Waste disposal

The household waste collection is principally carried out every 14 days. In this, the biological waste container and residual waste container are cleared on a weekly rotating basis. In addition to this, a weekly disposal is offered to business enterprises.

The city area is divided into 10 waste collection districts. 5 collection districts cover the inner city and 5 cover the boroughs (also see the waste and environmental calendar).

The city of Jülich offers a property-related disposal depending on the accrued waste, i.e. without any restrictions with regard to persons or volumes, with the following waste containers and/or collection systems:

  • Possibilities for saving fees are provided by the reduction of the number of containers on a property and by the offer for using a residual waste and/or biological waste container together with an adjacent property.
  • Upon written application and if all the requirements are fulfilled, properties may be released from the compulsory connection to main services and the obligation to use the biological waste container.

Fees 2015
The services of waste disposal are calculated in an annual uniform fee for the residual waste and biological waste container, respectively.


The following fees are collected as per residual waste container in this year:
60 litres clearance every 14 days
100,44 €  
80 litres clearance every 14 days
123,12 €  
120 litres clearance every 14 days
167,64 €  
240 litres clearance every 14 days
310,44 €  
1.100 litres weekly clearance
2.762,76 € (only for business enterprises)
1.100 litres clearance every 14 days
1.391,28 €  
Additional bag for the residual waste container (volume of 70 l)) 4,50 € (per piece)

Container replacement fee as per exchange (new as of 2011) 
Container replacement fee
27,50 €

The following fees are collected as per biological waste container in this year:
120 litres clearance every 14 days
65,64 €
240 litres clearance every 14 days
101,88 €


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