letters C - D

What to do where?
Abbreviations, buildings, address:
AR = old town hall, Marktplatz (market place); NR = new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17
NRN = new town hall (adjacent building Kartäuserstraße), Große Rurstraße 17
KH = Kulturhaus (culture hall), Kleine Rurstraße 20

- C -      
Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Carcasses on public surfaces Regulatory authority NR 63-355, -364
Cemetery matters Construction administration office NRN 63-352
Central office and office of personnel Central office and office of personnel NR 63-378
Certificate of good conduct Register office (registration office) NR 63-301, -305
Certificate of nubility Register office   63-224
Certificate of self-containment for home owners Building regulatory authority NRN 63-271, -283
Certificates (birth, marriage, death) Register office NR 63-224
Certificates of existence Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305
Certifications of copies Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305
Change of nationality Regulatory authority NR 63-318
Changes of address Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305
Changes of names Register office NR 63-222, -223
Channel issues Civil engineering department NRN 63-276
Channel use fees, dirty and rain water Tax office    
¦ City centre streets A-D and parts of the city Altenburg, Daubenrath, Lich-Steinstraß and Selgersdorf Tax office NR 63-390
¦ City centre streets E-Z Tax office NR 63-415
¦ Parts of the city Barmen, Bourheim, Broich, Kirchberg, Koslar and Merzenhausen Tax office NR 63-389
¦ Parts of the city Güsten, Mersch, Pattern, Stetternich and Welldorf Tax office NR 63-391
Chargeable warnings (stationary traffic) Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Child care (service afternoon) Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-236
Child-raising allowance Pension office Aachen, postal address: Schenkendorfstraße 2-6 Turpinstr. 198 0241/51070
Child-raising allowance (confirmation for members in the household) Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -304
Children and family-friendly Jülich Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-236
Children and youth parliament Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-266
Children and youth work Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-266
Children's passports Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305
Chimney sweepers' districts Regulatory authority NR 63-355, -364
Christmas market Regulatory authority NR 63-355, -364
Citizens' initiatives, referendums Office for council and legal matters NR 63-375, -376
City library City library, Kulturhaus am Hexenturm KH 9363-63
City map for children Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-266
City treasury City treasury NR 63-327
Civic centre Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-335
Civil engineering department Civil engineering department NRN 63-274
Civil protection Regulatory authority NR 63-306
Climate alliance Department III NRN 63-281
Commission and council matters Office for council and legal matters NR 63-375, -376
Complaints, ideas, suggestions Mayor's office NR 63-111
Compulsory admission of physically ill Regulatory authority NR 63-306
Concert events  Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich   9795-20
Confirmation of members in the household for the children's allowance Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -304
Confirmation of routes - land registry office District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Construction administration office Construction administration office NRN 63-265
Construction site facilities (approvals) Regulatory authority NR 63-364
Container installation (approval) Regulatory authority NR 63-355, -364
Council matters Office for council and legal matters NR 63-375, -376
Counselling for entrepreneurs, support funds Wirtschaftsförderung Landkreis Düren   02421/22-2559
Criminal record certificates Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305

- D -      
Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Data protection Administrative department for data protection NR 63-376
Day school, open School administration and sports office NRN 63-245
Deaths (reporting, certificates) Regulatory authority NR 63-224
Demolition of buildings Building regulatory authority NRN 63-271, -283
Disciplinary complaints Central office and office for personnel NR 63-380
Discovery of poison/poison accidents Regulatory authority NRN 63-250, - 252
District heating Stadtwerke Jülich, An der Vogelstange 2a   625-0
Dog tax + dog tags Treasury and tax office NR  
¦ City centre streets A-D and parts of the city Altenburg, Daubenrath, Lich-Steinstraß and Selgersdorf Tax office NR 63-390
¦ City centre streets E-Z Tax office NR 63-415
¦ Parts of the city Barmen, Bourheim, Broich, Kirchberg, Koslar and Merzenhausen Tax office NR 63-389
¦ Parts of the city Güsten, Mersch, Pattern, Stetternich and Welldorf Tax office NR 63-391
Dogs (risks, disturbances, combat dogs) Regulatory authority NR 63-309
Donation certificates/ donation administration School administration and sports office NRN   63-247
Drainage Civil engineering department NRN 63-276
Drivers' licences District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
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