Organisational chart of the city administration

Stand: 04.12.2014

City council
MayorHeinrich Stommel
Deputy Martin Schulz
Treasurer Karl-Josef Kohnen

Mayor´s office
Public relations telephone 63-388
Ideas and complaints management telephone 63-388

Data protection

Data protection officer:
Stefan Mersch
phone: +49 – (0) 2461 - 63 376

Gender equality department


Mandy Geithner-Simbine
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-377


Anti-corruption officer:
Ralf Birkenfeld
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-440
Office 14 - audit department

Hans Desgronte
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-262


Departements and offices
Departement I

Departement head:
Kerstin Schippers-Haffner
phone: +49 - 2461 - 63-316
Department of Health and Occupational
Integration Management

Line Ulrich Chowanetz
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-382
Office 10/11 – Central office and office of personnel

Line: Richard Schumacher
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-290
Office 30 – Office for council and legal matters

Line: Kerstin Schippers-Haffner 
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-316
Office 32 – Regulatory agency

Line: Hans Pinell 
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63 364
Office 34 – Register office

Line: Anja Laurentz 
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-224

Department II
Department head
Mayor Heinrich Stommel

phone: +49 - 2461 - 63-333
Administrative department
Bail management, controlling, interests management

Line: Stefan Zilgens
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-386
Office 20/22 - Finance department and tax office 

Line: Karl-Josef Kohnen
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-392
Office 21 – City treasury
Line: Christian Kravanja
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-327

Department III
Department head:

Martin Schulz
phone: +49 – (0)2461 63- 281
Office 23 – Real estate management, commercial department

Line: Thomas Mülheims
phone: +49 – (0)2461 63-337
Office 60 – Construction administration office

Line: Heinz-Günter Ervens
phone: +49 – (0)2461 63-265
Office 61 – Planning office

Line: Bernhard Rehers
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63 261
Office 63 – Construction administration office

Line: Reiner Eschweiler 
phone: +49 – (0)2461 63-271

Office 65 – Real estate management, technical department

Line: Leo Heuter 
phone: +49 – (0)2461 63-215

Office 66 – Civil engineering department

Line: Robert Helgers
phone: +49 - (0)2461 63-274

Department IV
Department head

Martin Schulz

Tel.: 63-281

Office 42 - Public libraryi

Line: Mirka Reef
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 9363-65
Office 43 - Adult education centre 

Line: Günter Vogel
 phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-399
Office 44 - School of music 

Line: Günter Vogel 

phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-399

Office 45 - Museum of the history of the city 

Line: Marcell Perse 

phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 93768-11

Office 47 - City archicvev

Line: Dr. Horst Dinstühler 

phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 9363-20

Office 50 - Social services department

Line: Doris Vogel 

phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63 208

Department V
Department head:

Katarina Esser
phone: +49 - 2461 - 63-236

Administrative department
City marketing


Line: Ingrid Pütz
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-420

Office 40 - School administration and sports department

Line: Gert Marx
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-246
Amt 56 - Amt für Familie, Generationen und Integration

Line: Katarina Esser
phone: +49 – (0)2461 - 63-236
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