letters O - R

What to do where?
Abbreviations, buildings, address:
AR = old town hall, Marktplatz (market place); NR = new town hall, Große Rurstraße 17
NRN = new town hall (adjacent building Kartäuserstraße), Große Rurstraße 17
KH = Kulturhaus (culture hall), Kleine Rurstraße 20

Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Office for council and legal matters Office for council and legal matters NR 63-375, -376
Oil accidents Regulatory authority NR 63-364
On-the-spot fine (road traffic) Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Open day school School administration and sports office NRN 63-245
Open-air swimming pool Stadtwerke Jülich, An der Vogelstange 2a   625-0
Option right Planning office NRN 63-259
Option right Construction administration office NRN 63-250
Organisation Central office and office for personnel NR 63-290


Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Parades (approvals for road parades) Regulatory authority NR 63-355
Parking  facilitation for severely handicapped (approvals) Regulatory authority NR 63-355
Parking block Zitadelle (permanent parking places) Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Parking ticket machines Regulatory authority NR 63-355
Passes for handicapped (extension) Social services department NRN 63-221
Passport matters Register office (registration office) NR 63-301 to -305
Pension matters Social services department    
- letters A - K Social services department NRN 63-221
- letters L - Z Social services department NRN 63-216
Permanent parking, parking block Zitadelle Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Personnel development Central office and office for personnel NR 63-380
Personnel office Central office and office for personnel NR 63-378
Pigeons problem Regulatory authority NR 63-364
Planning office Planning office NRN 63-261
Playgrounds (participation of children and parents) Office for family, generations and integration NRN 63-236
Post office Central office and office for personnel NR 63-314
Posting in the city area Regulatory authority NR 63-355, - 364
Poverty affidavit (court grants of legal aid) District court of Jülich, Wilhelmstraße 15   681-0
Pre-sale for cultural events Jülich agency of the newspaper publishing house Aachen in the book store Fischer, Kölnstraße 9, 52428 Jülich   937833
Promotion of vocational training District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Property administration Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-337
Property fees Treasury and tax office NR  
¦ City centre streets A-D and parts of the city Altenburg, Daubenrath, Lich-Steinstraß and Selgersdorf Treasury and tax office NR 63-390
¦ City centre streets E-Z Treasury and tax office NR 63-415
¦ Parts of the city Barmen, Bourheim, Broich, Kirchberg, Koslar and Merzenhausen Treasury and tax office NR 63-389
¦ Parts of the city Güsten, Mersch, Pattern, Stetternich and Welldorf Treasury and tax office NR 63-391
Protocols (warnings, fines) Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Psychically ill (Compulsory admission) Regulatory authority NR 63-306
Public easements Building regulatory authority NRN 63-254, -285
Public health and sociomedical service Public health department, administrative office Jülich, Kartäuserstr. 2   97360
Public health department District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Public relations Mayor's office NR 63-388
Pupils' tickets School administration and sports office NRN 63-247


Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Question time for citizens Office for council and legal matters NR 63-375, -376


Matters Office, institution, facility Address Telephone
Rainwater infiltration Civil engineering department NRN 63-277
Rainwater usage installations Construction administration office NRN 63-264
Reconstruction of municipal buildings Real estate management, technical department NRN 63-312
Redevelopment of municipal buildings Real estate management, technical department NRN 63-312
Refugees, asylum seekers Social services department AR 63-217
Regional cultural politics Brückenkopf-Park GmbH, Rurauenstraße 11, 52428 Jülich   9795-20
Register office Register office NR   63-224
Registration of marriage Register office  NR 63-222, -223
Registration of weapons Regulatory authority NR 63-355
Registration office Register office NR 63-224
Registration, notice of departure and of a change of address Register office/ registration office NR 63-301 to -305
Regulatory authority Regulatory authority NR 63-364
Rent index Real estate management, commercial department NR 63-335
Rental of partition screens Adult education centre AR 63-219, -220, -231
Repatriates Social services department AR 63-217
Report a failure of traffic lights Regulatory authority NR 63-355
Representation   Mayor's office NR 63-377
Representation of adolescents and apprentices Personnel committee NRN 63-234
Residence permits for foreigners District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Resident’s parking permits Regulatory authority NR 63-319
Restaurant matters Regulatory authority NR 63-308
Riding tags District administration Düren, Bismarckstraße 16   02421/22-0
Road cleaning Bauhof of the city of Jülich, Steffensrott 2, 52428 Jülich-Koslar   93640
Road cleaning fees Tax office NR  
Road construction and maintenance Civil engineering department NRN 63-240
Road lighting Civil engineering department NRN 63-240
Road names Archive KH 936320
Road traffic Regulatory authority NR 63-364
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